Arguing,  Communication,  Deciding to Marry,  Marrying Young

Who Did I Marry? When the Honeymoon Phase Ends Early by Madi

When we got out of the water, C found a little hermit crab and started chasing me around with it. I always loved how playful and silly he could be. He never had to act like he was “too cool.” He was just himself, and I loved that. After taunting me with our new-found friend, we headed back to our cabana to layout and relax. I reached for my phone to look through some of the photos we had taken, but I quickly realized my phone was shorting out. Somehow, some water must have gotten into the case. I was so annoyed, but hey at least C still had his phone. Everything would be fine.

I quickly informed C that my phone was acting up and that we’d have to wait and see if it would start up again in a bit. I was pretty calm, it was just my phone, but he was livid. He immediately began reprimanding me and telling me how irresponsible and reckless I was. Did I have no respect for my things? Was he going to have to pay for all of my stupid decisions? I just sat there stunned. I was so confused… It was just my phone. It wasn’t even his phone, it was mine. He had been taking pictures on my phone as well, but now it was all my fault alone. I remember staring off into the ocean and thinking back to just two nights before when everything seemed idyllic. Why did the pendulum seem to swing so quickly when it came to C and his emotions. Was I really that reckless? I had used this case before without any issues, how was I supposed to know this would happen?

For the rest of the day, C wouldn’t speak to me. I would try to spark conversations, but they would only be met with a glower and if I was lucky, a short response. This was our honeymoon. Wasn’t this supposed to be like the most fun we ever had together? Weren’t we supposed to be madly in love and in the “honeymoon phase?”

The next morning, my phone turned on without any issues, and it seemed my husband’s emotions turned back on along with it. Once I told him my phone was fine, I snapped a selfie of us and beamed showing him everything was working. He simply gave me a smile and a hug and we headed to breakfast.

The rest of our trip continued in almost the same pattern over and over. I would do something small to set C off. He would ignore me until I apologized, and then he would acknowledge me up until I made another mistake. I found myself over-analyzing everything I was saying. I was constantly worrying if I might upset him. I had expected to be walking on clouds on my honeymoon, but instead, I was tip-toeing my way through eggshells.

When we finally got back to the states, we stayed one night with my family in South Carolina before flying back out to Utah. As we arrived at the house, my parents eagerly began asking us all about our adventures. With a lot of hyperboles and fake enthusiasm, I was able to make our trip sound like a dream. We may have been smiling in all of the pictures, but C and I both knew what emotions filled the gaps in between.

My mom was so excited to show me the sneak-peek photos our wedding photographer had sent to her while we had been gone. I was blown away by how magical they looked. Slowly I clicked through them over and over trying to transport back to that day. As I reminisced, my mom asked C what he thought of the photos. His response floored us all.

He told my mom he was glad we had documented the day I had ruined his life.

He casually laughed after this twisted statement, and everyone felt really uncomfortable. My family thought it was just a weird joke, but deep down, I knew something was wrong.

To read the rest of Madi’s story, or start from the beginning, check out her blog at

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