
International Women’s Day: March 8, 2020

Thank you to the resilient wives who have shared their stories with us! These women support loved ones with crippling addictions. They accept and love new family members. They bravely walk into therapy with their spouses.

The women of Wives’ Tribe work tirelessly to support their families. They stand by their spouses through disagreements and miscommunication. They go above and beyond to take care of their children and their husbands every day, and they understand they have to take care of themselves as well.  

International Women’s Day is a holiday that is celebrated publicly in countries like Ukraine, Russia, and Armenia, among others. This tradition began in the early 1900s when women gained footing in the political realm and began pushing for fair pay, the right to vote, and better working conditions. Today we celebrate advancements and opportunities like:

  • Women receiving 60% of college degrees awarded in the US
  • Political opportunities to vote and run for office
  • Reduced violence and new laws to protect women
  • Employment and economic opportunities for women

Women have so much more protection and freedom than they did in the past. We look gratefully to our strong ancestors who lived in more perilous and trying times for women. We also appreciate the differences between men and women and how they complement one another in relationships and in life.

Of course, there is still progress to be made. Women should always feel safe and free, and not all women do, even in the United States. Sex trafficking, rape, abuse, and inequality are still very real.

Here are some ways to celebrate International Women’s Day:

  • Education: Look for events going on in your area like lectures, seminars, and luncheons… or organize your own and raise awareness for women in need.
  • Fundraisers: There are marches, fundraisers, and other charitable events for women organized around International Women’s Day.
  • Send love: Reach out to the women you love, send small gifts, or organize a get-together for the women in your life.

Here are some external links if you want to learn more about International Women’s Day:

  1. https://nationaltoday.com/international-womens-day/
  2. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/a26539742/international-womens-day-march-8/
  3. https://www.internationalwomensday.com/
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day
  5. https://www.un.org/en/observances/womens-day

Here are some ideas for tokens and gifts for International Women’s Day:

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