Abuse,  Blending Families,  Therapy

He Would Never Part II: Domestic Violence Stories 2020

by Anonymous

Individuals who have been through domestic violence themselves or whose friends or family members have experienced it want to hear similar stories. All victims should reach out for help with moving forward after domestic violence.

Domestic violence stories 2020 all look different – there is no one size fits all. This anonymous author shares her domestic violence real life story, and how she moved on from tragic moments of sexual abuse.

Domestic Violence Real Life Story

Woman in Red Lipstick

It started the day our blended family became one. They moved in with us at the old house when I was around 5 years old.

I was not exactly happy that there was this guy that was “taking” my mother away from me, but my mindset changed quickly as I got to know this “guy” that eventually became the best friend I ever had in my life.

He was the father figure that raised me and my siblings. He had a few children and they lived with us in the very beginning and split the rooms with my older brothers.

As I got to know my new siblings, I started to feel strange about one because he always wanted to be extra close to me with whatever I did. It was not just a protective thing, but more of an obsession with my actions and an obsession with my room that I shared with one of my siblings.

It was later in the year and I remember as it would get colder, we would play this game called Manhunt in the woods behind our house. The wooded area behind the house was never deep, but it was dense and hard to see through when it became dark.

When we all started playing, this one sibling would never fail to grab my hand and be my Manhunt “partner”.

I will never forget the first time we played. He grabbed my little hand and led me into the woods, covered my mouth completely, and started whispering threats to me to remind me that I need to stay very quiet or we would lose the game.

He took the controlled hand of mine and pleased himself with it. My life changed from something so innocent to something so horrible that scarred me for years.

Empowering Truth: Real Stories about Overcoming Domestic Violence & Abuse is a transparent perspective on domestic abuse from a survivor who has witnessed and experienced abuse.

Domestic Violence Stories 2020

I played Manhunt with my other siblings for years and it became my favorite outdoor game of hide and seek, but this “sibling” made it something so horrible and traumatizing.

With every game we played, he would remind me that if I were to talk or tell, I would lose and it would not be a fun experience anymore. He would sexually assault me more and more with every moment in those woods.

Sexual Assault Victim Story

I remember being so scared walking back into that house with him always right behind me holding onto my shoulder to make sure I did not say a word. It never stopped at just the woods either.

When he began to realize how scared and confused I was as a small child, he began to sneak into the room at night, the backyard for a quick inappropriate grab, or whisper threats to me.

The scariest day of my life was the day I was left alone with him for less than 30 minutes. We were at the house in the living room, and I knew that something was going to happen.

As soon as my mother walked out the door, he grabbed me and put me on his lap and pressed down. I remember crying so hard that I could not speak.

I remember that day so vividly from the clothes he was wearing, what I was wearing, and the exact setup of the living room with that old gray cloth couch we had. I started to panic and tried to get away.

He began to take off my pants with one hand while holding me with the other. I remember kicking him and running out of the house to the neighbor’s house and begging them if their daughter my age could please come outside and play with me because I did not want to be alone anymore.

I remember being so out of breath and freaking out, that they invited me inside to wait on my friend. I trusted this friend, so I knew I would be safe with her and her family until my mom got home.

Moving Forward After Domestic Violence

Even after that day, the sexual abuse never stopped until he moved away some years later.

The mental processing of those years never hit me until the 6th grade. One night I had a nightmare about him coming back and I freaked out, and lied about my feelings that entire day until the teacher sent me to talk to someone.

I told them everything. I told them every single thing my step brother did to me. Once my parents found out, they took immediate action and helped me get the help and resources I needed.

It took me years later to actually fully process what happened and realize how common this is.

Sexual abuse is very damaging, especially with an extended timeline. It makes someone feel so helpless and empty, that they are unable to see their way out.

As soon as something happens, say something. Make code words for your friends if you have to. Please do not wait until it is too late.

Therapy, counseling, recovery centers, safe havens, and resources are readily available for you when you make that step out.  Make it common to talk about awareness to your children, loved ones, or friends.

The percentage of women that go through this, especially alone, is way too high. Sexual abuse is physical abuse, and physical abuse can cost you your life. It is hard to take that first step out, but it could be the step to save your life.

Silhouette Of Girl During Evening
Domestic violence stories 2020 should be told, not hidden shamefully away.

We learned a great deal from this sexual assault victim story. Moving forward after domestic violence requires telling someone as soon as possible – don’t let the abuse continue.

Thank you to this brave author for sharing her domestic violence real life story to let others know they are not alone.