Considering Divorce,  Dating,  Differing Values,  Separation

Involving God in Your Marriage

by Alison

What is God’s role in your marriage? Alison shares her story about saving her marriage with God’s help. Involving God in your marriage can truly help you and your partner thrive.

God came into my life 3.5 years ago, and my life and marriage has never been the same.

I’m almost 49. The road wasn’t for the weak….but God made the walk easier following him vs thinking I had to make the path myself.

Letting God Lead Your Marriage

My grandparents pretty much raised me. They were married for almost 70 years, but they also just learned to live with one another, even in some unhealthy ways. Sometimes, people mistake longevity for healthy.

Finding God was an experience… My boyfriend at the time (who is now my husband)… in our dating life, he broke up with me 7 times… yeah, crazy, I know, but 7!

He finally said, “How do you feel about church and God?” I said I’m not opposed to it, I did the catholic stuff early childhood but never practiced.

So, the 2 days before church what happens we would experience “heated fellowship,” aka fights. I said “OK, I’m not going to church with you,” and I didn’t even see him that weekend.

Inviting God Into My Life

That’s when God started to move, because I heard in my head: “You really should go. You need to go.” I still thought he just needed to go, but I went!

Life changed that day — Sept 29 2019, when I walked into the building that is still our church to this day. It also happened to be our 1 year anniversary of dating. Again, God has had a plan. But from that day on, I was forever different.

Spiritual Warfare

But let me also say I got baptized and my goodness, was the enemy mad. Spiritual warfare became a know topic for he and I. We married in Jan 2020 separated… yes, SEPARATED in Nov 2020. He filed for divorce twice because in his mind it was his way… that’s when I truly learned the power of prayer, surrendering, and how to start fighting by using the authority God gave me. Now, by using God’s Armor, I stopped fighting WITH my husband and instead began fighting FOR him.

Bible Verse about Marriage

I prayed Ephesians 6:10-20 multiple times a day from that day forward. When I truly laid it all at God’s feet, and told Him I was confident in what he had put together (John and I). In return, He gave me that promise that everything was now in His hands.

Was I ready to accept his divorce? Definitely not. I said, “I’m leaving the state,” and my husband responded, “How will you work on your marriage?”

I said, “I don’t have to, because right now, God already knows what I want… but now this fight is between you and him and I said God can have you.”

3 days later… it was a Saturday night. I got a group text from John to me and our pastor saying… “I don’t know how this is going to work, but I love my wife, and I want my marriage. God is the only one who can fix this.”

Alison and her husband proceeded to do the work, and they are still happily married. Thank you for leaning on God and sharing your story, Alison!